Saturday, November 17, 2007

orkw rkwo kwor work

I went back to the house I moved out of at the beginning of the year tonight. This was in celebration of a friend who lived there, whos birthday it was. I drove there after picking up a gift and got the house. After a couple of hours or so I was back on my way. I stood on the step a little longer than necessary, feeling heavy with thoughts. I remembered standing there looking closely at someone, I remembered my bike being stolen and sitting on the pavement (or possibly sidewalk), I remembered it being cold and hot and all the temperatures in between. It was at this time I wanted to go back to work. I realised thats why I work. Its nothing to do with anything more noble. I just cant stand the rest of it. I hate feeling like the one on the side, I hate knowing that I will always say the wrong thing on the phone no matter what we are talking about, I hate not being bothered to do the exercise I know is a good idea, I hate feeling ugly and knowing the news. The only time when I'm somewhere else is when I'm working. So I'm in the hospital now, learning about infertility.


Johnny Holmes PI said...

Work is good. Time is bad. Spare time is bad. Spare work is bad.

In summary work, drink, work.

Jane petal said...

What's your favourite colour mister?

Johnny Holmes PI said...

Blue. But all the boys say that. What is yours?

Jane petal said...

green. i dont know who says that, i'm sure you can make your own judgements.